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Health and Technical Standards

Technical Standards for Matriculation, Retention and Graduation


In order to be qualified for the D.O. degree, future training and subsequent licensure, the candidate must have demonstrated competency in five requisite areas: observation and sensory; communication; motor; intellectual-conceptual; and behavioral and social attributes. 预科生必须证明有能力在各种临床环境中提供安全有效的医疗服务.

The Heritage College requires that matriculants be capable of meeting the technical standards, with or without reasonable accommodations, as a condition of enrollment in the osteopathic medical program. Reasonable accommodations, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended, 包括那些辅助设备和策略,使预科生成功地达到既定的学业成绩标准和整骨疗法课程计划的要求. 这些辅助设备和策略不会改变骨科课程要求的基本要求,也不会改变确定为可接受的既定性能标准. 使用经过培训的中间人从患者那里获取和解释数据将不被视为可接受或合理的辅助策略. 国家骨科医学检验委员会的技术要求可能有比本文件中概述的更严格的标准. 在申请过程中或入学后寻求住宿的学生,鼓励联系740学生无障碍服务.593.2620.

Observation and Sensory

申请人必须能够参与演示和实验在生物医学科学,包括, but not limited to, microbiologic cultures, microscopic examination of microorganisms and tissues, cadaver dissection, and interpretation of ECGs and radiographic images. 申请者必须能够通过收集视觉和嗅觉信息来观察病人,以发现疾病和功能障碍. Additionally, 实习生必须能够使用触摸和检测温度和压力的变化来完成所需的身体检查和进行骨科结构评估.


A matriculant shall be able to assess and communicate with patients in order to elicit information; describe changes in affect, activity and posture; and perceive nonverbal communications. A matriculant must be able to communicate effectively and sensitively with patients. 申请者必须能够与医疗团队的所有成员进行有效和高效的沟通.


申请者必须能够独立进行体检操作,如听诊, palpation and percussion in order to learn to detect disease and dysfunction. 申请者必须能够独立执行普通和急诊病人护理所需的各种程序,包括, but not limited to, venipuncture, bladder catheterization, arthrocentesis, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, application of pressure to stop severe bleeding, management of obstructed airways, suturing of simple wounds and performance of routine obstetrical and gynecologic procedures. Additionally, 预科生必须能够在相对于执业医师的背景规定的时间限制内完成这些程序. 申请者必须能够独立进行治疗性触摸,包括整骨疗法手法医学技术,并且必须同意将这些方式作为医学博士课程要求的一部分.O. degree. The matriculant must be able to assist in surgical procedures for prolonged periods of time, participate in simulation exercises and participate in medical/surgical rounds on hospital wards.

Intellectual - Conceptual

The matriculant must be able to demonstrate the ability to observe, measure, 计算和利用信息,以便在个人和团体环境中进行批判性思维和解决问题,这对医生的功能至关重要. Matriculants must also be able to comprehend multidimensional spatial relationships.

Behavioral and Social Attributes

Matriculants must exercise good judgment and act professionally, complete all responsibilities promptly and effectively, and  attend to the diagnosis and care of patients while maintaining mature, sensitive and effective relationships with patients. Matriculants must be able to function effectively under stressful conditions, 适应不断变化的环境和功能,面对患者临床护理中固有的不确定性. Compassion, integrity, empathy, interpersonal skills, interest and motivation are all personal qualities that will be assessed during the educational process.

Patient Safety Measures

传染病:与病人接触的卫生保健提供者有感染和传播传染病的风险. 所有卫生保健提供者必须保持为保护自身和服务人群免受可预防的传染病而制定的免疫接种要求.

bet8九州登录入口传统骨科医学院要求所有学生提供适当的免疫接种文件. 要求以疾病控制和预防中心目前对卫生保健人员的建议为指导.

Prior to matriculation, 学生应接受必要的免疫接种/疫苗接种,并提供免疫证明文件. Influenza immunization is required during flu season. Clinical affiliates may have other, more stringent requirements for immunizations and vaccinations.

If a student is unable to provide documentation, he/she is considered unvaccinated. 所有新生和通过遗产学院参加暑期临床活动项目的学生也需要进行结核病筛查.

Please consult the Immunizations, Proof of Immunity and TB Screening Requirements for details.


Charges for immunization and antibody titers are the responsibility of the student.

Criminal Background Check

申请人必须提交犯罪背景调查,包括刑事调查和鉴定局和联邦调查局的搜查. 学院要求对入学学生进行犯罪背景调查,以符合俄亥俄州和学院临床附属机构的要求. A criminal background check will be required every two years the matriculant is enrolled in the college.

More information on how and when to request a criminal background check can be found here.